

Ashdown Forest and the Pooh of E H Shephard

I hail from, and still live in a town bordering the beautiful Ashdown Forest in Sussex whose most famous inhabitants have tended tend to loom large in my output. Disney was recently forced to release its grip from the work of the genius E H Shepard, who first drew Pooh: their umbrella Pooh copyright expired in 2022 and so, whilst they still retain full rights to their red-jacketed cartoony blob, all of the original Pooh drawings and representations are now in the public domain.
In my pieces of Pooh I’ve always tried to show Shephard’s characters in their true setting of the real Forest, and now, at last, I can officially show (and continue to sell) these works through public channels and exhibitions without offending the Disney Mafia.

Below are examples of these: further can be seen on my social media as per links below.

Breakfast at Friends Place

Wood walk

We walked (Gills)


The description is accurate, as all of these have their origins in repetitive dreams that refuse to leave me alone until they are sketched into reality. Do I think they have a meaning?… probably, to me maybe…. but so what?…..the only reading of them that matters is that of the observer.

Below are examples of these: further can be seen on my social media as per links below,


Holidays in the sun
